Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011



1.      1. TRAIN
One of public transport in Indonesia is Train. Everyday train passengers who want to train to the city to undergo the activity. As seen in the pictures, this is what happens with railway train in Indonesia especially in economy class majoring in Bogor - Jakarta. Full, cramped, and hot like in hell is commonly observed, especially during rush hour morning and afternoon when the finished work.  For me who has experienced about a train ride like this, it is becoming commonplace. Situation like this even be an opportunity for pickpockets to retrieve belongings of passengers. It was ironic, but here's the situation ... 
Train Indonesia's lack of attention. This is apparent from the number of units available. Trains are also less get treatment, it can be seen from the condition of the train, rail train and the engine. The passengers are also less aware of the importance of maintaining cleanliness in the train, so this train looks shabby unkempt.

2.      2. BUSES
Bus is the main transportation between cities. I have to warn you that some bus drivers drive like crazy and they are reckless. You may have a heart attack riding on their buses. Buses are cheaper than trains and they go more often. Also watch out for pick-pocket. Watch for your belonging! Don't leave them unattended! Seriously! During busy seasons, it is difficult to get into a bus. You have to fight with the other passengers, just to get into the bus. In some places, I heard buses are also nice. I heard buses in Sumatra are like inter-city buses in North America. But I can't confirm that.
3.      TAXI
Immediately, I was taken aback. Wait, taken aback is probably an understatment. I was utterly shocked. Apparently taxi is public transportation.By providing loan for individual taxi permits, one thereby increase the number of taxi. Then, something magical happens and it becomes “one of the ways to improve public transportation,” according to the Malaysian Entrepreneurial Development and Cooperative Minister Datuk Noh Omar.
I don’t know. Last time I check, public transportation refers more to buses, trains, ferries, trams et cetera – vehicles that transport a lot of people efficiently. Last time I checked, taxi is a car, seats 4 to 10 (van), and is thus one of the most inefficient mode of “public transportation” available.The minister go one to say that there are currently 21000 taxis in Klang Valley and they want an additional 3000 taxis to “achieve a ratio of one taxi for every 500 people”. Right – putting more cars on the already congested road helps improve public transportation. Great idea from our minister.
Might it be because he is the minister of Entrepreneurial Development and Cooperative, not that of Transport? (Weird, I know. There are more weird things in the Malaysian Government.)Oh, and RM 100 million? In addition to the RM 200 million already allocated to thePublic Transport Development Fund? This numbers seems to be dwarfed by the RM 2 billion cost cutting measure by the government, and the RM 13.7 billion expected to be saved from the recent reduction in subsidy.

NPM      : 20208760
KELAS   : 3EB03

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